Dec 15, 2021 | CHASENBOSCOLO

After an accident, your head is spinning. You might be in pain, struggling to get out of your vehicle, and wondering how it all happened. It’s hard to think straight after an accident. You’re going to be staring at your car, at theirs, and emotions start to brew. You’re starting to feel angry, frustrated, and stressed. You might start thinking about the cost of repairs or how long it’ll take until you can drive your car again. Basically, you want it all to be over and done with.

Despite the onslaught of emotions and “to do’s” that start the second you get out of your car, it’s important to remember a few things NOT TO SAY when you start talking to the other party. While it’s hard to predict when, where, or under what circumstances you’ll be in a car accident, reading these tips now can help prepare you should that day come.

“I’m Sorry”

It’s very human of us to apologize, even for things that aren’t our fault. Normally the phrase “I’m sorry,” is harmless, simply a courtesy that can mean barely anything at all. “I’m sorry” can relieve a very tense situation in day-to-day life, but after a car accident, “I’m sorry” is the last thing you want to say.

What matters after a car accident is who’s at fault, and “I’m sorry” will be construed as an admission of fault. You can bet that the other driver in the accident will remember if you apologized, and hold it against you. Even if the accident wasn’t your fault in the slightest, you could suddenly be liable for the crash, and on the hook for thousands of dollars. Do not give the other party any reason to think you are guilty.

“Let’s Handle it On Our Own”

If you get out of your vehicle and find there is only minor damage, it might seem like a hassle to get the police, lawyers, and insurance companies involved. That is a mistake. Even if the other driver is pressuring you to just keep it between the two of you, even if they admit fault and say they’ll pay — refuse. Always call the police, then consult a lawyer.

That might seem like overkill, but it’s the best way to seek compensation. If you don’t file a police report, or consult a lawyer about the accident, it’s simply your word against theirs. And even if they admit fault, or say they’ll pay, there’s no way to ensure that they’ll compensate you for damages. The only way to properly seek financial retribution is with the help of a professional.

“I Don’t Need a Doctor”

If you’ve been in a car accident, chances are you’re going to hop out of your car and be anxious. You are going to call a loved one, call the police, start talking to the other driver, and examine your car. In the bustle and adrenaline of those first few minutes, you might stand up, walk around, and feel fine. The other driver asks you if you’re okay and you might say “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll need a doctor.” This is a huge mistake.

Though you might feel fine immediately after the accident, once the dust settles you might notice a migraine, lingering neck pain, limb pain, or even symptoms of a concussion. If you tell the other driver that you don’t need a doctor, you’ve ruled out them paying for your medicine, physical therapy, and appointments as part of a settlement. Even if you feel fine, don’t say you don’t need a doctor. Take time to assess your health, and contact a lawyer about receiving compensation if the other driver is at fault.

“I Accept / Yes”

After the accident, the other driver’s insurance company will likely contact you with a settlement. It’s important you do NOT accept this. That insurance settlement represents the absolute minimum you should receive. Before accepting any deal or settlement, it’s important you consult your own experienced attorney.


If you’ve been in an accident, you need an experienced attorney in your corner. Our skilled team will be able to organize the facts of the accident, communicate with the other driver’s insurance company, and work hard to help you get the compensation you deserve. The Virginia car accident attorneys of CHASENBOSCOLO have advocated for your community for decades.

Our team is here to help. We know that you don’t need complex legal jargon and a bunch of numbers in your head while you heal. That is why we lead with patience, compassion, and kindness. While you get better and get back to your life, we will be crunching the numbers and fighting hard for you.

Call us today at (301) 220-0050 for a consultation.