Slip And Fall Lawyer Serving Washington, D.C

Slip and fall injuries occur when property owners fail to promptly address hazards or obstacles on their premises, causing guests to trip or slip. No matter if the property is commercial or residential, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises safe for visitors. When a visitor on unsafe premises is injured as a result of a property owner’s negligence, victims should not be responsible for covering their injury-relate expenses.

If you’ve been injured on a poorly-maintained premises, a lawyer can help you hold the responsible party accountable and fight for compensation. In addition to physical pain and ongoing medical treatment, slip and fall injuries can force victims into a financially compromised position, potentially hampering their ability to support their families as they heal. The guidance of a lawyer will help ensure that an injury does not upend your life.

The injury lawyers at CHASENBOSCOLO understand that, though slip and fall accidents happen in a matter of seconds, the consequences can impact victims and their families for years to come. If you have been injured in Washington D.C., you need the representation of a law firm with a proven record. At CHASENBOSCOLO, we’ve been helping injury victims for years, and we are ready to speak with you. Call us today at (301) 220-0050 to discuss your situation with a member of our team.

Table Of Contents

    Do I Need a Slip and Fall Attorney?

    Unfortunately, in slip and fall cases, it is common for the at-fault party and their insurer to argue that you were responsible for your own injuries. If the at-fault property owner is able to successfully prove that they do not shoulder the full blame of your injuries, your ability to recover compensation could be hindered.

    Attempting to handle your claim alone can leave you vulnerable to insurance adjusters who may contact you and try to manipulate you while discussing your claim. Though they may seem sympathetic to what you’ve been through, they are often attempting to get a recorded statement from you that will ultimately hurt your case. Having a skilled lawyer handling communications with the opposition will ensure that your rights are protected at every turn.

    Additionally, with the help of a lawyer, you stand to gain far more compensation than you would on your own. Though the at-fault party’s insurer may offer up a settlement quickly, the initial settlement is almost always far less than what you are owed. An experienced lawyer will look at the facts of your case, determine how much you are truly owed, and fight to make sure that your settlement properly reflects your losses.

    Why Hire CHASENBOSCOLO to Handle My Case?

    The attorneys at CHASENBOSCOLO understand how profoundly an injury can transform your life. Injuries can be endlessly frustrating and put serious limitations on you both physically and financially. If you have been hurt because of someone else’s negligence, we are committed to listening to you and fighting for your rights. When our firm was founded by Barry Chasen in 1986, the mission was simple: take care of clients. Over thirty years later, this is still our mission. We are here to help.

    Over the years we have represented injury victims in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C., and have won hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients and their families. We’ve been recognized by the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, American Association for Justice, and Super Lawyers for our tenacity, skill, and unrelenting commitment to helping clients.

    When looking for the right lawyer, it can feel like no one is taking you seriously. We do. We know that when you are in need of an injury lawyer’s services, you are going through an incredibly difficult time. Our lawyers are here to listen and determine how we can help you move forward. Many of our proudest moments are achieving favorable outcomes for clients with extremely complicated cases.

    Slip and Fall Cases We Handle

    Slip And Fall Lawyer Serving Washington, D.CSlip and fall hazards are particularly dangerous because they are often not readily apparent until it is too late. No matter if the property is public or private, the property owner is responsible for dealing with any potential dangers. Especially if a property owner knew of a potential threat and didn’t do everything in their ability to warn guests while working toward fixing the issue, a lawyer can help prove negligence.

    The following are some potential slip and fall hazards:

    • Unsecured wires and cords
    • Insufficient lighting
    • Uneven flooring
    • Snow and ice
    • Slippery floor
    • Pavement cracking
    • Dirty floors
    • Potholes
    • Broken handrails
    • Torn carpeting or floor mats

    D.C. Code § 12-301 allows injury victims up to three years to take legal action following a slip and fall injury. The time that limits injury victims’ ability to file a claim is referred to as the statute of limitation. This time limitation exists to make sure that you take action within a reasonable window of time. Though you are allotted three years, starting the process as soon as possible will help you recover compensation for your losses as soon as possible.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    If you are considering hiring a lawyer to help recover compensation for your slip and fall injuries, you likely have questions and we are ready to answer them. Check out our FAQs and give us a call to discuss your situation with a member of our team.

    Who is Responsible for My Injury?

    In many cases, the owner of the property is responsible for the safe upkeep of their premises. However, depending on the specific factors of your case, other parties could be responsible for your injuries. For example, if you are injured in a person’s apartment if you slip and fall because of a hazard that the tenant didn’t account for, the tenant may be responsible rather than the owner of the apartment complex. A lawyer will listen to you and help determine all liable parties.

    What is Contributory Negligence?

    Contributory negligence is a defense that the at-fault party will likely use against you if they can. Under the contributory negligence rule, if it is proven that the victim of a slip and fall accident acted in a manner which may have contributed to their injury, then their claim is unpayable. For example, if you were looking at your phone as you walked through a store and failed to see that the floor was slick, the property owner can argue that your inattention to your surroundings contributed to your injuries. If it is proven that you contributed even 1% to your injuries, you cannot receive compensation. A skilled lawyer can help fight against this and other defenses.

    Do I Have a Case if I Was Trespassing?

    If you were trespassing at the time of your injury, you likely do not have a case. When you are injured on unsafe premises, your legal status as a visitor matters because it determines the property owner’s duty of care toward you. Premises liability law has three different designations for visitors: invitees, licensees, and trespassers. Both invitees and licensees are owed a duty of care by the property owner, but trespassers are not. Trespassers are offered very few protections under premises liability law because the did not have permission to be on the property.

    How Much Compensation Can I Recover?

    The amount of money that you may be able to recover will depend on a couple of different factors. Based on the facts of your situation, the negligence of the property owner, and the physical and financial impact of your injuries, a lawyer can help calculate past, present, and future expenses to get a clear idea of what you are owed. A full and fair settlement will account for what you’ve lost and how your injury will cost you in the future. CHASENBOSCOLO can help establish what this amount is and pursue it on your behalf.

    Contact a Slip and Fall Lawyer Today

    If you’re suffering from a slip and fall injury in Washington D.C., you don’t need to face your situation alone. This may be your first time considering hiring an attorney, and while it can feel intimidating at first, the team at CHASENBOSCOLO is committed to making the process as intuitive as possible. Our lawyers have been navigating the legal complexities of injury claims for years and recovering the maximum amount of compensation possible for our clients,

    The Washington D.C. team at CHASENBOSCOLO is here to support you and make sure that you have the resources that you need to recover. With our No Fee Guarantee®, unless we are able to achieve a favorable legal outcome for you, we do not accept payment. To speak with one of our premises liability lawyers about your case, call (301) 220-0050 today.