Bicycle Accident Attorney In Maryland

If you were injured in a bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Bicycling to work or for recreation is a great way to stay in shape, enjoy the scenery, and reduce harmful emissions caused by driving. Unfortunately, more bikes on the road lead to more accidents due to the negligence of drivers or unsafe road conditions.

Because of how vulnerable a bicyclist is on a road full of cars, an accident involving a cyclist can be devastating. A cyclist in an accident is in more danger of being killed or seriously injured than the driver of a motor vehicle. Anyone who has been injured due to the negligence of another person, company, or municipality has the right to use legal action to get compensation for the stress, pain, and expense caused by the accident.

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    Do I Need a Bike Accident Lawyer?

    When you have been in a bicycle accident, your main priority should be resting and recovering. You’ve likely racked up a fortune in medical bills in addition to taking time off work and dealing with insurance companies. Cases involving bicycle accidents involve knowledge of traffic laws, the medical field, and Maryland’s bike safety laws. To receive compensation for your injuries, you’ll also have to prove the negligence of the other party. It can be difficult to navigate the complexities of any personal injury case, but bicycle accidents are specific enough to warrant extra help from an attorney experienced in handling this type of case.

    A lawyer will be able to help you gather evidence, talk with insurance companies, and argue on your behalf in court and in legal documents. You may also find that filing a case without a lawyer’s help is confusing and time-consuming. It’s easy to miss important deadlines and misplace critical information. A lawyer will keep your case on track. Hiring an attorney to help you win your case is one of the best things you can do to help yourself recover from your accident, and could be necessary to get the compensation you need. By allowing a lawyer to handle your case, you’re prioritizing your health and well-being while still putting yourself in a position to win back the money your accident has cost you.

    Why Choose Us?

    For 30 years, clients have trusted CHASENBOSCOLO with their personal injury cases, and we’ve earned a reputation for being efficient, effective, and thorough. Bringing your case to us guarantees that you will receive a high level of service from personal injury attorneys who are experienced and knowledgeable. We prepare every case to go to trial, which means you can rest assured that we will take your case seriously and pay attention to every detail.

    In addition to being experienced and detail-oriented, our lawyers always put the needs of their clients first. One of our cardinal rules is to treat each client like they are family, and we never stray from that principle. After an accident, you have a lot to deal with. That’s why we make it our guarantee to give you excellent legal services while also approaching your case with compassion. Because of this, we offer a No Fee Guarantee, which means you don’t owe us anything until we win compensation for your claim. If you need help filing a bicycle accident claim and receiving compensation for your injuries, call CHASENBOSCOLO today at [firm-number] to learn more.

    Bicycle Accident Cases We Handle

    Bicycle Accident Attorney In MarylandAt CHASENBOSCOLO we have seen firsthand the severe injuries and significant expenses that cyclists incur in accidents. When another party like a motorist, property owner, or governmental entity fails to protect you from harm and you are hurt in a catastrophic bike crash, you deserve fair compensation and justice. Our team has seen devastating accidents caused by:

    • Distracted driving
    • Vehicles cutting off cyclists when turning (right hooks, making left turns in front of cyclists)
    • Dooring (being hit by an open car door)
    • Vehicles driving too closely
    • Dog chase accidents
    • Road defects

    Because cyclists can be injured in a wide variety of accidents, it is crucial to contact an experienced bike accident attorney to discuss your rights and the types of compensation you could be owed.

    Can I receive compensation if my accident was caused by unsafe road conditions rather than an individual?

    Yes. If your accident was due to uneven pavement or potholes, you may have a case in which you can hold local government, businesses, or individuals accountable for not keeping up with their property. If this is the case for you, a knowledgeable lawyer can help you understand your position and how to proceed.

    What are bike safety laws and will they affect my chances of getting paid for damages?

    Because cyclists are so much more at risk in the case of a collision than passengers in a motor vehicle, there are special laws surrounding cycling that every cyclist should be aware of in the state of Maryland. These laws are in place to protect cyclists and drivers from being injured, and most of them can be chalked up to common sense. For example, a cyclist must:

    • Stay off roads with speed limits of 50 mph or over
    • Do not wear earbuds or earplugs in both ears
    • Stay in the bike lane, if one exists
    • Wear a helmet if they are less than 16 years old

    Additionally, motorists must keep at least three feet away from cyclists when they pass by. To reinforce this, cyclists are required to stay as far right on the road as they can to avoid accidents. They must also have reflectors on the backs of their bikes so they’ll be visible in dim lighting. Contact CHASENBOSCOLO at [firm-number] to learn how bike safety laws in Maryland might affect your case.

    My bicycle broke, resulting in my injuries. Do I have a case?

    Yes, if you can prove that the negligence of another party caused the bicycle to break and lead to your injuries. A bike repair shop, for instance, that didn’t properly repair your bike, may be liable to pay for your damages if you can prove that their negligence is the reason you sustained your injuries. Additionally, a bike manufacturer that put out a faulty product may be held responsible for your injuries. These cases can be tricky because you will have to prove, likely through the help of an expert, that the reason you crashed and were injured was directly caused by a faulty part or botched repair. A lawyer will be able to help you find experts and collect evidence to prove your case.

    What should I do immediately after a bicycle accident?

    It’s important that you keep as much evidence as you can in case you need to file a claim. It’s wise to take pictures of the state of your bicycle and your helmet following the accident and keep track of your injuries. If you can, you should physically keep your bicycle and your helmet so that experts and lawyers can evaluate your case later on. This type of evidence can be used in court to prove details of your case that may be integral to showing the negligence or recklessness of the other party, such as the speed of impact or how well the bicycle was made.

    Immediately following an accident, you should also collect the names and phone numbers of witnesses. If you were injured by a motorist, you should collect their name and number as well as their license plate number, insurance information, and address. It’s important to have this information with you so that if you do need to prove negligence in court, you’ll be ready.

    Does my car insurance help me with bicycle accidents?

    In the state of Maryland, car insurance does cover policyholders who are in collisions with cars while riding bikes. However, insurance companies will often try to pay you as little as possible for your damages. It’s smart to consult your options with a lawyer after being involved in a bicycle accident.

    How long do I have to file a claim?

    Like most personal injury claims in Maryland, you have three years from the date of the injury to file a bicycle accident claim. It’s always best to sue as close to the date of the accident as possible. This is to prevent evidence from being lost or tampered with, and to make sure that witnesses don’t forget valuable details. Once this statute of limitations is up, it is much more difficult to get compensation for your injuries, pain, and time off work.

    Contact Us

    Dealing with the aftermath of a bicycle accident can be an incredibly stressful time. You deserve to focus on your recovery as much as you deserve to be compensated for your medical expenses and time off work. If you or a loved one sustained injuries from a bicycle accident, don’t hesitate to call the Maryland injury attorneys of CHASENBOSCOLO for a confidential evaluation of your case.